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Monday, March 9, 2009

I Love The Smell Of Commerce In The Morning

Especially on a Monday morning. Maybe I'm just giddy from losing an hour of sleep. Regardless, not a whole lot of zombie news to start the week off with. I stumbled across an ad from Think Geek for an Umbrella umbrella this morning and figured with the release of Resident Evil 5 this Friday would let you guys know. I also found a small mention about the World War Z movie we are all waiting for. So read on:

So here is the Umbrella umbrella from ThinkGeek. If you're a Resident Evil fan (and who isn't), this makes a practical way of showing your support. I always like things like this because only those who know, know. You know? Available for $14.99 by clicking here.

While you're over at ThinkGeek, check out some of their other zombie goods. As posted earlier, they have a dismembering zombie plush and even a remote-controlled zombie. While you're ordering, ask them to give me some royalties for the free plug!

This may just be a commerce-themed week. I will be posting shortly an interview and link with a very creative and talented artist who creates and sells her own zombie jewelry. Zombies and Toys will also be starting our first contest to kick off the availability of a zombie movie that has recently become available for purchase on iTunes. Winner of said contest will receive a free download of said movie! Finally, for those who want something but have no money, you can show your support and love of zombies by requesting a pair of Zombies & Toys pins; details in March 2nd post.

Now to leave you with a breath of fresh air: an interview with Quantom of Solace director, Marc Forester, reveals a little news about the highly-anticipated World War Z movie.

"At this point, its still in development. I'm still working on the script, so I don't know if it will be my next movie. It's a book I really like and I think it's a subject matter that would be really interesting to turn into a movie. It won't be a straight-forward genre piece; it's like a hybrid type of film so it will be very unusual."

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