* Powerful slingshots, easy to use and lethal to aliens
* A selection of live ammo, and we mean LIVE -- raccoons and skunks -- in addition to assorted bombs and exploding projectiles
* A global view of who’s winning- the zombies or the resistance fighters
* A system for challenging your comrades to see who is most skilled
* An original soundtrack, surprising sounds and blood-curdling screams
Check out the pics and video below then head over to SMORT to fork up the whopping .99 cents the game will cost you. OR... email me at iPhone@zombiesandtoys.com for your chance to win the game for free. Two winners will be chosen at the end of the month to receive a download code unlocking the game courtesy of SMORT.
While many of us are happy to embrace zombies as our friends,
neighbors, policemen, payroll auditors, brain surgeons, and 400-level college
philosophy professors, there are a few extremists out there that are determined
to keep PlayStation Home free of what they call "a moral menace." At the
forefront of this political movement is the think tank organization known as the
S.P.A.Z. (Society of People Against Zombies). Headed up by R Phunrooner,
President (and reputed "recovering horror movie addict"), this group has taken
an aggressive approach to ridding PlayStation Home of the undead – from a
full-on anti-zombie advertising campaign to actually attempting to censor the
male zombie head. Luckily, the S.P.A.Z. is not without opposition. A non-profit
zombie rights organization is challenging R Phunrooner and the S.P.A.Z.'s
efforts by setting up a webpage where zombies and zombie-sympathizers alike can voice their support for the deceased (that have just recently returned to life).
REALITY SLAP - Breaking Out from Realityslap on Vimeo.
Thanks to Traci for sharing her zombie wedding cake discovery. If you have any news that is good for the order, drop me an email at zombiesandtoys@gmail.com.