First, a huge "thank you" to PopCap Games for sponsoring another contest! Friday is the last day to enter to win April's contest. In addition to several copies of the uber addictive Plants vs Zombies, we also have some great PopCap Games swag. Other prizes include plush toys, Plants vs Zombies promo materials, and Peggle for the Game Boy.
Entering is easy. Simply head over to the Plants vs Zombies site and create a free zombie avatar (zombatar). Then, email your zombatar along with your name and address to pvz@zombiesandtoys.com. Several winners will be selected at random to receive the prizes and download code for the game.
For an additional chance to win, become a fan of Zombies & Toys on FaceBook and use your zombatar as your profile pic. One copy of the game has been held strictly for FaceBook fans!
*Crosses fingers* I really want to win.
ReplyDeleteI got more comments on my Zombatar then I ever got on my regular profile picture! LOL