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Monday, March 28, 2011

Help A Fellow Reader Become A Zombie

I have mentioned before that Zombies & Toys is a site for  you, the reader.  Through the years, I have been able to make quite a few new friends and I hope many of you have also.  Well, one of our own has the opportunity to win a walk-on role as a zombie in the upcoming movie, Outpost 2.

Steven Uden has been an active member of our community since the beginning and he needs our assistance.  Being one of our readers from across the pond, he has entered a contest to be a zombie in a movie filming in the UK.  He is probably one of the only people I know whose own makeup application could rival a professional's.  You have a look at the pictures below and tell me if you disagree.  But I digress...

Help Steven fulfill his dream which is probably one that we all share.  I mean, who reading this wouldn't want to be a zombie in a motion picture?  I am asking everyone reading this to leave a comment under Steven's photo on this Facebook page.  That's it.  It'll take less than two minutes of your time to help one of our own fulfill a dream and make a memory that will last a lifetime.

Good luck, Steven!


  1. Thank you so much for posting this Jason, Just to elaborate a little, if people go straight to that page, they wont be able to comment, they need to 'like' the page first which is over at

    Then if they go directly to that link afterward then it will let them comment.

    Thanks again :-)

  2. Voted. That make-up is totally amazing. Steve, you're is truly the BEST! Good Luck!


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