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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pro-Wrestlers vs. Zombies film

Terry Swadener

Some “good old America violence” is descending onto Pittsburgh, Pa in the form of Pro-Wrestlers vs. Zombies, a movie by filmmaker Cody Knotts. A film which will include “big, powerful men and hot babes smashing zombies” is prime for the Zombie Capital of the United States. Not only is Pittsburgh known for its zombies, it is also known for its professional wrestling, including ECW legend “The Franchise” Shane Douglas, who has a part in the upcoming movie. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has an article on the film here: Film to pit zombies against wrestlers. The subject of the film is not the only interesting thing about this. The way Cody Knotts is obtaining the funding is by a website launched in 2009 called Kickstarter. Kickstarter is a website designed to help entrepreneurs to raise money for projects involving “music, film, art, technology, design, food, publishing and other creative fields.” Through the website anyone can pledge money and contribute their time or resources to the projects. So
please visit the Post-Gazette websites to read up on the project or the Kickstarter site to help get this movie made.

1 comment:

  1. We have already received some private investment. We need the fans to step up in next ten days or we might not have enough to start development. Go to kickstarter and pledge can be a zombie for $1500 or you can be a producer for $100 and have you're name in the credits.


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