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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

REVIEW: Murdered by James Schannep

Andy Ross

MURDERED: A Click Your Poison Book by James Schannep
Law & Order: Choose Your Own Adventure Unit

In MURDERED, the latest "Click Your Poision" title from James Schannep, you are cast as a vacationer in Rio during Carnivale. As your bad luck would have it, you stumble upon a dead body, an abandoned gun, and a choice. The choice you make will start your adventure into the world of solving crimes in Rio, or it could possibly get you killed. With 3 unique storylines and 50 possible endings you never quite know what your fate will be.

I was a huge fan of the last "Click Your Poison" title, Infected. While MURDERED is free from the living dead, the tale is just as suspenseful and mind taxing as ever. There is apparently something broken in my brain since no matter how much I try to look at things from a different angle I find myself at the same (mostly positive) ending. I can't help but think that I am missing just one little thing that will get me to the best possible ending, and that is what keeps me going back to the book.

The story is fastpaced while requiring you to pay attention to the details so you can make educated decisions when the time comes. Remember, there is no going back once your choice is made (which is why I love this type of story in an ebook format) so you must ride it out to the end! Make smart choices as one wrong move could mean your untimely demise. I highly recommend this book, and if you missed it go pick up Infected as well!

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