It has been a bit of time since Britain has brought us a truly horrifying zombie movie. The film is called Before Dawn and is brought to us by Dominic Brunt. Brunt is best known for his role as mild-mannered veterinarian Paddy on the popular British soap opera Emmerdale Farm. Before Dawn is set to be Brunt's directorial debut
Before Dawn follows a feuding couple who go on a weekend trip in one last attempt to save their relationship, and wind up smack in the middle of an undead outbreak. Brunt is set to star along Joanne Mitchell and Nicky Evans. The film started shooting last month and is in the final stages of shooting. Along with this we are starting to get pictures of some of the zombies in the film, and I must say...I am impressed. Judge for yourself in the pictures below taken from Fangoria.

Before Dawn looks to be a great addition to the zombie movie genre and looks to be the stepping stone that Brunt needs to flex his directorial muscle. Stay tuned to the site for more information as it becomes avaialable.
This looks great, its nice to see zombie stuff out of Britain, and that zombie looks amazing! I will be watching this one if I can.
thanks so much for this. i'm ian one half of the f.x team that worked on this movie. shooting wrapped sunday. great to feel the love for the zombie make ups we came up with too. wanted them to be something that would please fans of the genre but not like romeros. this conisted of custom teeth that come out over the lip, silicone prosthetics and colours along with plenty of blood. again we realy preciate the kind words. its why we do this mad stuff !!