Let’s get the Undead Bazaar 2011 underway with our first featured artist, Tisch, from Rocksterize.com. Tisch specializes in hand crafted jewelry and accessories, but also has an entire section of her site dedicated to eyeshadows and makeup.
Rocksterize has been in business for over a year, but things got serious around July of 2010. Since then, there have been a number of disturbingly wonderful creations roll off the line, such as these smart looking ear rings.

Let’s get this thing underway. To give each artist a chance to showcase their own unique brand of Zombie love, we like to have a little Q and A to go along with each feature. This year, our questions will be in purple with artist responses following in italics.
How did you get started?
I had always wanted to make jewelry but had no idea how. I always thought, "That would be cool to be able to make my own jewelry." I randomly ran across a cupcake online that looked so realistic but it was made out of polymer clay. I thought it was the coolest thing ever that you could make stuff like this. So after a TON of research I bought everything and discovered I had a knack for sculpting little miniature things. And now here we are :)
What is the inspiration for your art?
Other peoples' work inspires me so much. I have this disorder, it's called "I-Can-Do-It-Too...And-Better syndrome". I like to look at peoples' work and get ideas and work off of those ideas and try and do it one step ahead if possible. The inspiration for my zombies actually came around the time last year when all the zombie movies were coming out. I've always loved zombie movies, especially the cheesy 70s and 80s ones. I wanted to make something that would make me cringe but also make me say, "That's sooo disgustingly adorable". What inspires me for my robots is pretty much anything. I love robots because there's not really a set structure for them. They can be made out of anything and look any way. It's all up to the imagination.
What is your favorite zombie movie/book/game?
This is a really tough one. I love to be scared to death but I also adore comedies. And if they can put the two together in a movie it's the best present I could ever receive! I'd say one of my favorites of these was Fido. This movie was a bit overlooked but I got such a kick out of it that I bought it right after I watched it. I also loved Shaun of the Dead. It was gory and super hilarious.
What was your first exposure to zombies?
When I was bitten by one in my backyard.
How do zombies play a role in your art?
They're slowly taking over Rocksterize land!
Who/what are some of your favorite artists or art styles, or your biggest inspirations?
If we're talking about relations to my zombie jewelry then I'd say pretty much just anything I see that's zombie, and then I'll work off of that idea. If we're talking about favorite artists in general then I'd say Shag is my absolute favorite artist. Retro 50s art with beautiful colors. He also has a few zombies in his collections, too.
If bitten by a zombie, should we leave you to change or shoot you?
If you'd like to be a zombie, too, then I'd say you can leave me to change. The choice is up to you because once I'm bitten we all know what is going to happen.
If made into a toy, would you be a zombie or survivor? What accessories would you come with?
I'd definitely want to be a zombie toy. I would come with a half-eaten brain, a zombie cat companion, and blood would spew out of my mouth.
What is your favorite subject/image to craft/paint/draw, and why?
I think my absolute favorite pieces of jewelry to make are actually my new cupcake necklaces. I love making the zombies probably second best, robots third best. I love the new cupcakes because I actually take piping tips and pipe the frosting onto them, and they really look like you can eat them!
Tisch is even kind enough to give one lucky winner the chance to take home their own little piece of Rocksterize memorabilia. One of her favorites, this little charmer has a thing for eating brains. It’s made from polymer clay and finished with a water-based, semi-gloss varnish. The feet are genuine screws and nails! Attach it to your key ring, cell phone, necklace, bracelet or anything else you can think of. Oh the versatility!

To enter to win the above mentioned fancy, just send an email with your name and address to rocksterize@zombiesandtoys.com . Contest winners will be selected and announced at the conclusion of this year’s bazaar sometime around the end of June.
Check out the full line of goods by taking the links below. A big thank you to Tisch and Rocksterize for helping us kick off the Undead Bazaar 2011. Check back often as we have much, much more to come!
ETSY SHOP (jewelry)
Those little zombies and robots are so cute!