Or Teenage Mutant Zombie Ninja Turtles! Or Teenage Zombie Ninja Mutant Turtles! Or... well, you get the idea. Anyway, Suzanne was kind enough to drop an email letting us know about some nice zombie art for sale. Art that just happens to feature zombified versions of a certain team of turtles.
"Cowabrainsa" by Mike Destructive is available for $100. Yup, that's it. $100 gets you 4 paintings of our childhood pizza eating ninja dudes as zombies. If I had the space in my house I would be all over them. And even though my boy loves him some TMNT and zombies, at 5 he would probably not sleep well in his bedroom.
Head over to deviantArt and buy these before I change my mind!
I think this is a crazy thing. I just can't believe what you did. Seriously dear blogger it'd be nice if you can add a bit of illustration below the text too.